Luke 10:37 (NIV)
Luke 10:37 “Jesus told him, ‘Go and do likewise.’”
In Luke 10:29-37 the Parable of the Good Samaritan is a profound story that Jesus used to teach the importance of showing mercy and compassion to all people, regardless of their background and circumstances. In this story, a man traveling from Jerusalem to Jericho is robbed, beaten, and left for dead by the roadside. While a priest and Levite pass by without offering help, it was a Samaritan – a member of a group despised by the Jews – who stopped to assist the injured man, demonstrating true neighborly love despite a cultural difference.
The parable of the Good Samaritan teaches us several things. 1) Love your neighbor: we are taught to love everyone, including those who are not our friends and are different from us.
2) Recognize the sacred worth of all people and set aside prejudice: this parable teaches that we should show compassion and love to others because people are sacred and valuable.
3) Help without expecting anything in return: when you assist others, don’t expect anything from them. Graciously, demonstrate God’s generosity knowing that every day is a gift from Him.
If you wish to serve like Jesus, be open to interruptions. People need you when they need you. Usually, their hour of need won’t fall neatly into the part of your schedule you would choose. Jesus taught that we should be like the traveling Samaritan who allowed his schedule to be interrupted so he could care for the man who was in need. Next time you think, “I don’t have time for this!” be sure to follow that with this quick prayer, “God, is this what you have for me to do today? How can I be used by you to make a difference?”
We can always find excuses not to help someone: “I have my own problems,” “I am just too busy,” and “I know someone else will come along and help.”
God intentionally puts hurting people in your path so you will learn to love like Jesus and grow in your compassion like Him. Loving others can be more than inconvenient. God might be calling you to make a great sacrifice of your time, energy, or money. Today, are you ready and willing to be interrupted and bring His love and light into the life of those around you?
When we take time to reach out and allow others to interrupt our daily flow, we can break down barriers of indifference, prejudice, and selfishness that often divide communities. This story urges us not just to walk by or ignore the needs of those around us but to be proactive in our kindness, seeing them through Christ’s eyes and reaching out with His tender heart of compassion and love.
Heavenly Father, may we be open to helping others and able to set aside any preconceived perceptions or prejudice. I pray we would recognize the value and sacred worth of those around us and treat them with Your love and compassion.
Prayer Points:
Personal: The Holy Spirit’s help to place the needs of others ahead of ourselves.
Community: Pastors and Church Staff