Psalm 8:9 and Psalm 23:6 (NIV)
Psalm 8:9 “LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!” (NIV)
Psalm 23:6 “Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever” (NIV).
Do you honestly believe that God is majestic and loving? According to Scripture, majestic means greatness, noble, dignified, excellent, and impressive. Our Lord is gloriously magnificent.
Knowing the truth about God corrects our thinking. This is important because there are many misconceptions about God. He is not an angry judge, ready to punish us. God is not like a vending machine, where we can choose and select what we want to get from Him. Nor is He an uncaring or distant father.
When you believe the truth about God it will clarify your prayers. Your sincere heart-felt acceptance of God’s majesty and love will lead to prayers from you that are more powerful, passionate, and purposeful.
When you live in the truth about who God is and His all-powerful grandeur, it will change your perspective. Then when bad times come, you will be comforted because you have the knowledge and assurance that God is always gentle and loving. Even as you look all around each day, you will be in a newfound awe by the splendor of His creative hand.
When good times come, you will be thankful to the Lord because He has blessed you out of His unfailing goodness and never-ending love. No matter how many blessings you have, you won’t love the gifts more than the gift giver.
God’s great creative handiwork and love are not abstract concepts, for they meet us in our everyday lives. David said in Psalm 23:6 that they will “follow me all the days of my (your) life.” When you observe the magnificence of His handiwork it refreshes your heart and brings a steadfast peace. The beauty of His creation refreshes and restores your soul.
Heavenly Father, may we experience Your love for us and understand Your majesty and grace. We pray that as we go about our daily routine, we would praise and acknowledge the splendor or Your creation and beauty that surrounds us. Help us to not become so busy that we fail to comprehend Your unconditional love and the sacrifice You made for us when You sent Your only begotten Son to die for our sins.
Prayer Points:
Personal: Our hearts provide good soil to bear good fruit
Community: Government leaders (national, state, city)