DAY 16


Luke 15:7

Luke 15:7 “I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent” (NIV).

The agony of the Christian life is not just failing but involves trying and failing.  Once we know Christ, we want to please Him; we want to live in the light of His truth; and we want to live victoriously.  As a wise man once said, “God didn’t teach us how to swim in order to let us sink.”  God saved us so that we could enjoy and experience His abundant life.  Yes, there are struggles, but we can have victory over past failures and strongholds!

God’s only answer to the problem of sin is Jesus Christ.  No one can save himself; there is no person “good” enough to get into heaven.  Each of us will one day stand before God and give an account of why He should allow us to enter His kingdom.  What will your answer be?

How do we overcome sins that constantly seem to overwhelm and subdue us?  We first come to the point of absolute repentance.  How serious have we become about the sin that immobilizes and ensnares us?  Are we able to see how offensive it is to God?  Have we completely surrendered it to Him?

Genuine repentance is a deep, profound act.  Most of us have not reached that level; we still hang on and flirt with our sins.  However, if we have truly repented, then step two is essential. We must recognize that we are new creatures in Christ and have a new identity in Him.  Jesus indwells us with all His might and divinity.  We can become overcomers through Him because He gives us the power and authority to face our mistakes and change.  There is no sin that He did not claim when He gave His life on the cross for us.  As we become serious about walking in purity and recognize our new nature as believers, we can become victorious!  Remember, today is the day that we make the choice, and God makes the change in our lives.

God does not want anyone to miss His perfect love and the price He paid on the cross for us.  His greatest desire is that we would experience the love and forgiveness of His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, for eternity.  Have you placed your trust in Him?

Heavenly Father, I want to recognize my new identity in You.  Help me to understand that Jesus dwells in me with all His might and divinity.  Let me realize that I can overcome all things through Him and receive His victory!

Prayer Points:

Personal:  Recognize the power of our identity in Christ

Community:  The lost, those who don’t yet know Jesus in our city, our family and our friends.


DAY 17


DAY 15