Psalm 3:5 and Psalm 5:3 (NIV)
Psalm 3:5 “I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the LORD sustains me.”
Psalm 5:3 “In the morning, LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.”
Psalm 3:5 is often referred to as that “morning Psalm,” and serves as a powerful reminder that even amidst fear and turmoil, God is our constant protector, sustaining us through the night so we can wake up with renewed hope and trust in His power. This encourages us to lay down our anxieties and find peace in knowing that God is always watching over us, allowing us to sleep soundly and face each day with courage.
In Psalm 5:3, David was not just passively praying, but actively waiting and looking to see how God would respond to His prayers and guide his steps. We are encouraged to begin each day with a focused, expectant prayer, presenting our needs and desires to God first thing in the morning, trusting that He hears and will answer with attentive care throughout the day. This verse emphasizes the importance of starting our day by turning to God in prayer and setting the tone for a God-centered perspective throughout the day!
When we ask God for help, we can wait with expectation. We pray to a God who honors His promises. He is a good Father who always gives us what we need. When we wait expectantly, we demonstrate faith by believing God will do what He has promised us.
Remember, expectation isn’t entitlement. Entitlement says, “I will get what I need from God because I deserve it, I have earned it. Expectation says, “My Heavenly Father will give me what I need because of who He is.” When we have a heart of expectancy, we believe that something pleasant and exciting is going to happen. Our Heavenly Father loves us and wants to take care of us.
Waiting expectantly isn’t easy, especially when you feel powerless. When you are trusting God to do the impossible, whether in a relationship, your marriage, at work, or in your finances, and His timing feels too slow, it is often hard to keep trusting Him. David was not just passively praying, but actively waiting and looking to see how God would respond to His prayers and guide His steps.
Don’t be discouraged, and don’t give up! Even though you may not know why God hasn’t answered your prayers, you can trust Him to keep His promise. Your biggest problems are small to Him. How big is your God?
Heavenly Father, let me always remember that while I am waiting, You are working. I pray you will continue to build my faith, teach me Your truth, draw me closer to You, and continue to make me more like Christ.
Prayer Points:
Personal: Grow in the discipline of waiting on the Lord
Community: Believing for a revival in our community