Luke 6:22 & I Thessalonians 3:12 (NIV)

Luke 6:22 “Blessed are you when people hate you, when they exclude you and insult you and reject your name as evil, because of the Son of Man.”

I Thessalonians 3:12 “May the Lord make your love increase and overflow for each other and for everyone else, just as ours does for you.”

God likes it when our prayers align with His will, and we have His ultimate plan in mind.  The more specific the prayer, the better.  These are the kinds of prayers He will answer.

What kind of prayer aligns with God’s will and has His ultimate plan in mind?  Prayers that impact all of eternity: “God, I want my friend to know you.”

How can you make that prayer even more specific?  Pray, “Heavenly Father, please remove this obstacle of fear I have that is keeping me from sharing the Good News with my friend.”

What is an even more powerful and specific prayer?  Try this prayer instead: “God I want my friend to come into a relationship with You so that I can celebrate with her in heaven.  But I am afraid to tell her about You.  Will You please increase my love for her so that my fear is no longer an obstacle?

Fear is one of the greatest obstacles we face when telling others about Jesus.  We are afraid they will get offended or even reject us.  We are afraid they will ask us hard questions we cannot answer.  

However, when you live for God, who is love, your love grows more perfect.  It is the kind of love that has no fear, and it is what motivates us to tell other people about Him.  Why not pray for greater love rather than less fear?

If someone told you to jump into an icy pond, you wouldn’t do it.  Why?  For starters, it would be uncomfortable.  It would also be scary and very dangerous, not to mention that you could get hypothermia.  However, if your child fell in you would jump right in.  Your selfless love for your child would quickly replace your fear and motivate you to do what it takes to save him. 

Love is what motivated Jesus to rescue us, so when you ask Him to increase Your love for others you will always align with His will and ultimate plan for Your life.  He will answer Your prayer and fulfill your heart’s desire.

Heavenly Father, I pray that I will walk in Your love and tender compassion.  May I see people through your heart, with Your eyes, and reach out with Your loving hands.  I pray that You will fill me completely with Your love so it will spill over and touch those around me despite how they treat me.

Prayer Points:

Personal:  The Holy Spirit to grow our love and compassion for others.

Community: The nation ( revival in America)


